New Initiative for Growing Community Gisborne
A group of locals will be trialling an initiative that supports, inspires and builds community among people growing their own food. It is anticipated that 6-8 households will meet monthly in Gisborne, rotating hosting so that the group can tour, troubleshoot and celebrate each edible garden being cultivated. Each month will be lightly facilitated by Beth Koch, community organiser, newbie gardener and Gisborne resident. We are looking for 3-4 more households to commit to the 6-month trial, and we would ideally have a range of gardening confidence and experience in the group. If you are passionate about more sustainable food systems and grow your own food, live in Gisborne and are looking to share your garden and your table with new friends, please express your interest here .
If the trial is successful, we will look to expand the Growing Community initiative to more people and townships in the Macedon Ranges.