Malmsbury has been selected as the location for a new project—the development of a community climate change action plan.
Read MoreHelp us tailor the Sustainable Homes Action Group to suit your needs!
We are conducting a survey to find out what our members and potential members would like from the group. As an incentive to participate, we will be conducting a prize draw and giving away a copy of “Your Home” which is a fantastic compilation of information about designing, building and maintaining homes.
The survey will take about 10 minutes to complete. Will you help?
Read MoreThe Woodend Permaculture Garden are looking to enlist the services of a handyperson to assist with repairs to the compost bins and general garden maintenance. If you have the skills and the time please contact Loris Cassar on 0427 327 034 or
Read MoreThe biodiversity found in the Macedon Ranges is unique and highly significant. The varying topography, range of altitudes and localised climatic patterns results in many diverse ecosystems hosting a wide range of native plants and animals. The shire is fortunate to have extensive native vegetation and rich biodiversity present on public and private land.
The Macedon Ranges Biodiversity Strategy establishes a shared vision between Council, the community and other stakeholders for the protection and enhancement of biodiversity values across the shire. It identifies a number of policy and planning initiatives well as priorities for community engagement, on ground action and monitoring change.
Council is seeking your input and feedback on the draft strategy until Sunday 21 October 2018.
Read MoreThe Woodend Bee-Friendly Society has recently acquired a powerful microscope for the detection of honeybee diseases, in particular Nosema, which has the potential to devastate local honeybee populations and thereby severely impact the pollination services so critical for many agricultural enterprises in the Macedon Ranges.
Read MoreSunday September 16, 2018 started out chilly, but that didn’t deter visitors to the four Sustainable Homes open in and around the Macedon Ranges for Sustainable House Day. By 4pm, 474 visits had been recorded across the four properties.
Read MoreOver 40 children with their parents and grandparents attended the screening of the Lorax at the Woodend Community Centre on Saturday 8th September. The Lorax is an enchanting and haunting story by Dr Suess about the folly of unbridled consumption and the need for each one of us to act now if we wish to live in a world of beauty and nature.
Read MoreMRSG raise more than $1,600 at the September Farmers’ Market in Woodend for the Buy-a-Bale appeal to aid Australian farming families affected by the devastating drought that covers most of New South Wales and Queensland.
Read MoreOn 15th August, MRSG received $6,000 for an Events and Festivals Grant from the Macedon Ranges Shire Council to go towards the costs in running next year's Sustainable Living Festival in Woodend on 2nd March 2019.
Read MoreAt the September Woodend Community Farmers' Market, MRSG will be raising funds to help drought-affected farmers in NSW and QLD by hosting a sausage sizzle stall with local produce and running a raffle for a hamper of produce from local stallholders. September 1st 9am to 1pm.
Read MoreMRSG's screening of 'The Desperate Plight of the Orange-bellied Parrot' on 27th July was a great success.
Read MorePlastic Free July is a global yearly challenge where millions of people give up single-use plastic during the month of July. It aims to raise awareness of the amount of single-use disposable plastic items in our lives and challenges people to do something about it.
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