Renovating the Chicken Coop

The chickens in our permaculture precinct perform an important function: they attack pests, weeds and disease in situ. Foraging under our fruit trees the chickens transform grubs, weeds, fallen fruit, lunchbox ‘gifts’ from the kindergarten next door and herbal ‘peck’ to a nitrogen rich deposit amongst the deep litter of the orchard mulch creating a slow release fertiliser.

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500mm rabbit mesh required for community garden

Welcome to 2019 everybody. The Community Garden Group is in a flurry of activity in an effort to be perfect for the Macedon Ranges Sustainable Living Festival this year. We are welcoming a new face amongst our regular volunteers, Robin Phillips. Robin will be particularly helping with some of the handyman aspects of the backyard garden space, most urgently repairs to our wonderful chicken coop which suffered a fox incursion recently.

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Council's "Sustainable Design" presentations continue with Retrofitting as the theme. Can you help?

Following up the excellent sessions on Sustainable Design held last year, Council is planning to run a series of presentations on Retrofitting for Energy Efficiency, commencing in February.

Sustainable Design Officer, Felicity Houghton, is looking for some good local examples of completed retrofits, and some challenges needing solutions, to include in the presentations.

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