Pulling together in the crisis
We all know that the next few months promise to be extremely challenging. However, our local community is responding with compassionate action in the face of the health crisis. We know that we can all lend a hand by maintaining high standards of personal hygiene and following the guidelines re social distancing. We can also ensure that we look out for our more vulnerable residents and helping them with the shopping.
Goods have been donated from all around the Ranges. The Neighbourhood House and Macedon Ranges Sustainability Group have been collecting items and passing them onto Mel. “Now, more than ever we need to come together to support those in our community who need our help”
If you know of anyone who needs some goods please contact:
Rev'd Melissa Clark
Ph 0411 722 718 or 5427 4565 melissaclark3@hotmail.com
Read the full article by Mike Hamer in the New Woodend Star April Edition
Local vicar Rev Mel, with Isabella Lane, youth action group leader, MRSG and Mike Hamer, president of Woodend Rotary club.